Soma Waxahachie

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The Story of God

Everyone has a story. Stories form us, they tell us who we are and how we fit in the world. God is no different. He has a story too. The difference though, between our stories and his, is that we don’t really know whether the stories that we believe about ourselves or our world are true until we actually begin to understand HIS STORY.

Come discover who you are and the true story of the world by experiencing the Story of God with us. On Friday, July 13th we’ll spend the evening and the following day immersed in the drama of God's redemption of the world by exploring who God is, what God has done, and who we are as a result.


This is not an event for church folk. It’s for saints, for sinners, and for everyone in between. In fact, the less you know about the Bible the more enjoyable your experience will probably be. Each session consists of two or three 5 to 10 minute stories. Each story is followed up by questions and dialogue. It's less like a study of the Bible and more like joining a tour group and taking a trip through human history.

We will gather at Primera Iglesias Bautista at 118 Kaufman St, in Waxahachie on Friday from 6:30PM to 8:00PM and Saturday 8:00AM to 4:00PM. Food and drinks will be provided. 

Let us know that you're coming!